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Hannah's Extra Special Pak Choi

Add a flavour punch to your pak choy garden harvests with this fresh and tasty side dish recipe Hannah from Otago has kindly shared!


  • 1 clove garlic thinly sliced
  • 5cm piece ginger thinly sliced
  • 2 bunches Pak choi
  • 2 tbsp rice wine vinegar
  • 2 tsp sesame oil
  • Shake of chilli flakes
  • Black sesame seeds (optional)
  1. Heat some oil in a pan or wok.
  2. Add the garlic and ginger.
  3. Cook for about 30 seconds but do not let it burn.
  4. Add the pak choy, chilli flakes and vinegar.
  5. Cook until pak choy has slightly wilted.
  6. Dress with sesame oil and black sesame seeds if desired.

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Hannah's Extra Special Pak Choi Comments

  • I have used in stir fry's before but this one looks very yummy! Will have to give it a go. Wasn't really sure what to do with it.


  • We just live for our vege garden all year round, but more so in the spring/summer seasons

    Amanda Gower

  • That's great Amanda, we agree fresh vege harvests are extra enjoyable over the entertaining season! Enjoy. Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team


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