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Janene's Passionfruit Coconut Tart

Use up the last of your autumn passionfruit harvests with Janene's Passionfruit Coconut Tart, a delicious sweet treat.


  • 400gm sweet short pastry
  • 1½ cups coconut cream
  • 1 cup dessicated coconut
  • 4 eggs
  • ½ a cup sugar
  • ½ a cup passionfruit pulp
  1. Heat oven to 190 degrees C.
  2. Grease a 23cm tart dish.
  3. Roll pastry to fit base and sides.
  4. Blend eggs, sugar, pulp, coconut and cream.
  5. Pour into pastry shell.
  6. Bake at 190 degrees for about 35 minutes or until set.

Delicious warm or cold!

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Janene's Passionfruit Coconut Tart Comments

  • I'm going to try this tonight.. sounds yummy




  • Oh, sounds so yummy and easy to make. Passionfruit and coconut on my all time favs list. Must try.


  • Yummy looks delicious. I love passionfruit so will definitely be making this

    Pauline Gaudion

  • Hi Pauline, thanks for your feedback. We hope you enjoy this recipe! Jenna ^Tui Team


  • Sounds absolutely delicious!

    Jean Beardsall

  • Beautiful

    Jean Beardsall

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