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Kiwifruit Chutney

Chutney is an ideal way to make the most of a bumper crop. This recipe was kindly supplied by Shal from Auckland as part of our harvest recipe competition, and sounds like a great way to make the most of kiwifruit when there are a lot available. Thanks Shal!


  • 1 clove garlic - crushed
  • 1/2 cup of raisins 
  • 3/4 cup of brown sugar 
  • 1 cup DYC malt vinegar
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/2 teaspoon allspice
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 500g kiwifruit, peeled and chopped
  1. Put garlic, raisins, sugar, vinegar, ginger, allspice and cloves into a preserving pan.
  2. Boil gently for about 20 minutes or until mixture is soft and thickened.
  3. Add kiwifruit.
  4. Continue cooking for a further 20 minutes or until chutney is thick and jam-like.
  5. Pack into sterilised jars.

Makes about 2 lots of 350ml jars

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Kiwifruit Chutney Comments

  • Easy to make vinegar a little strong will will cut back ten persent next time

    Jim Barnes

  • Hi Jim, thanks for sharing your feedback - Tui Team


  • It is Kiwi fruit season here in Nth Portugal. We are 2 Aussies living here and we have 6 very very productive vines. Made your chutney recipe, quadrupling the quantity and looks like it will be a winner. Looking for other kiwi fruit recipes . Cheers


  • We live on a block in Rangiuru and Kiwifruit Gold pick just completed. Had an excess of fruit gathered post pick and in addition to jam tried this recipe as well. Excellent have to say and we also added a pinch of Cayenne Pepper at step one for extra zing. Great result.


  • Hi Martin, excellent! Thanks for your feedback and the tip of adding cayenne pepper for an extra punch of flavour. We're pleased to hear you enjoyed this recipe. Happy gardening and cooking from the Tui Team


  • Can I use kiwi fruit picked straight from the vine or do they need to ripen up first?


  • Hi Suzy, either would be fine, however if the kiwifruit is ripened it would take less time to cook down as already soft. Happy cooking ^Tui Team


  • Hello, can I use gold kiwi for this?


  • Hi Shaaz, yes you can use kiwifruit of your choice :) Enjoy! ^Tui Team


  • Hi, I've just picked 114 underripe kiwis (I won't be back here if I left them on the vine for another 3/4 weeks). Should I wait for them to ripen? Thanks.


    • Hi Lindsey, this is a tough question as it depends on how close to maturity the fruit were when they were picked. If they were mature, it can take up to a month for them to soften and sweeten. Many people place them in a paper bag with a banana in the linen cupboard, could be worth a try. 

      Tui Team

  • Making your recipe using golden kiwifruit for family. Do the jars need a hot water bath processing or just a hot pack in hot jars (checking for proper sealing)? We lived in S.Au for 3 years and grew to love eating kiwifruit and chutney!

    Celeste Matthews

    • Hi Celeste, hot pack and hot seal should be sufficient. A hot bath is extra insurance to stop jars breaking when pouring hot chutney/jam into jars if they have cooled down.

      Tui Team

  • We use an apple in the paper bag to ripen avocados. That might work also, especially as I don't like bananas.

    Celeste Matthews

  • Awesome recipe as I've done it a couple off times now and have added chillie flakes to it . Awesome with cheese and venison salami.

    alf andresen

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