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New season blooms

Summery yellows and striking whites are trending this season with these stunning new plants from Zealandia. Available in stores now.

Dreamtime Bracteantha

This new series of colourful strawflowers are available in four fantastic colours. The nice compact plants have a uniform mounding habit and once established these require are very heat tolerant and require little water.  Perfect for your garden beds, hanging baskets, tubs and patio planters this summer.

Sunbell Butter Pop

Colourwave Sunbell Butter Pop is a stunning new colour inspired by buttered popcorn. The flowers are an eloquent white/pale yellow with an intensely buttery yellow eye which uniformly flower over nice compact plants. Ideal for hanging baskets, tubs, rockeries or cascading over retaining walls.

Lavender Javelin Deep Purple

‘The new standard’ lavender Javelin Deep Purple is an exciting new Stoechas variety which sets a new standard for uniformity and vigour. The flags at the top of this lavender’s flowers are not only larger, but there is often more flags per flower than conventional lavenders creating a more attractive display. With a lovely compact growth form which is well branching and vigorous becomes adorned with masses of flowers. Lavender Javelin Deep Purple is suitable in the garden or to create a statement in your patio pots.

MegaCopa White

An exciting new version of the classic Bacopa but with significantly larger flowers. MegaCopa White is heat tolerant so delivers a lovely show all through summer. Where most Bacopa will slow down in flowering over the hottest months MegaCopa White will continue to produce a mass of colour. The lovely compact growth form is adorned with flowers that display above the canopy creating a high impact floral display. Suitable in the garden or to add a splash of colour to your patio pots or window planters.

Nemesia Penhow™ Aromas Plums and Custard

‘An optical symphony’, Nemesia Penhow Aromas Plum and Custard is an absolute showstopper and a marvel of modern breeding. This stunning new colour combination combines purple and yellow in a beautifully layered form which displays well above the plant. The real deal maker with this plant is the stunning aroma that is produced by the flowers. The plant grows nice and compact and looks good planted on mass, or as a single specimen. Perfect in the garden or to beautify your patio planters or troughs.

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New season blooms Comments

  • My little Poem...An hour in my garden, can bring me such rest, for when I am weary not feeling the best, I take my heart there for Solace and Mending...and find Peace and Contentment and Comfort unending... With all these glorious blooms, ideas and inspiration ...I THINK I COULD FIND AS MUCH AS ALL THIS TOO ON THE TUI GARDEN SITE

    Mary Patterson

    • Hi Mary, thank you very much for sharing your beautiful poem with us. It is very thoughtful and was lovely to read! We wish you a happy summer in the garden. 

      Tui Team

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