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Packed full of flavour – summer herbs

Bang for buck fresh herbs can’t be beaten for flavour.

Every home, no matter how big or small is duty bound to have a herb or six of some sort. They are perfect to grow in pots, baskets, window boxes and at the back door.

Proactive businesses and councils around the country now have herb and salad gardens for staff at the office. Staff say being able to enjoy fresh herbs in sandwiches and salads for lunch has a positive impact on wellbeing. It seems growing something at work is a neat way to share gardening tips and tricks.

Your Summer Herb Guide:

  • Keep planting – mint, rosemary, thyme, oregano, chives, rosemary and sage.
  • Sow – coriander, dill, chervil, rocket and borage, into trays of Tui Seed Raising Mix.
  • Moveable feast – grow herbs in pots and containers, and take them on holiday with you. No need to miss out on the joys of fresh herbs just because you are away. Plant into Tui Herb Mix for optimum results.
  • Blend Debco SaturAid into the soil to help maintain good moisture levels in the ground. Soft annual herbs are not very forgiving if the soil totally dries out.
  • Don’t neglect their roots – herbs, like veggies, prefer a moist fertile soil.
  • Save for a rainy day – freeze, dry or preserve excess herbs. Soft herbs like basil, coriander, dill and chervil freeze well in snap lock bags. Drying herbs is a fabulous way to store herbs for use at a later date.
  • Mix it up, plant edible flowers and pretty annuals alongside herbs or plant herbs in amongst veggie crops or blend them into the ornamental garden.
  • View our Herb Growing Guide for more tips.

Herb culinary groupings:

  • Herbs that go well with seafood: dill, fennel, coriander, chives.
  • Herbs for making your own herbal teas: lemon balm, lemon verbena, peppermint, chamomile.
  • Herbs for making pesto: basil, coriander, parsley, rocket.
  • Herbs that are used in Indonesian, Thai, Indian, Vietnamese and Chinese cooking: Coriander, chives, Vietnamese mint, Thai basil.

By Rachel Vogan

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