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Petunia Black Velvet

'Black Goes with Everything"

Black Velvet presents the world’s only black petunia and there’s a lot of buzz around this unique colour. Black Velvet is like your little black dress, its goes with everything.

A perfect fit for premium baskets, containers and general garden use, this combo–friendly petunia partners well with many other sun lovers. These upright, mounded petunias are early to flower, have a tightly branched habit and are filled with colour all season. Black Velvet is easy to grow.

Black Velvet is available at all good garden retailers.

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Petunia Black Velvet Comments

  • would like to purchase black petunias


  • need to buy 100 000 seeds of black velvet petunias


  • Hi Awad, Thank you for your enquiry. To contact the supplier of Black Velvet Petunias - Zealandia phone 03 323 9898 or Thanks, Jenna (Tui Team)


  • Interested in Black petunia seed for our greenhouse at county hospital. 100 - 300 will do. Please advise


  • Hi Anne, Thank you for your enquiry. To contact the supplier of Black Velvet Petunias - Zealandia phone 03 323 9898 or Thanks, Jenna (Tui Team)


  • Hi Liz, thank you for your enquiry. Try your local garden retailer, if you can't find any contact the supplier of Black Velvet Petunias - Zealandia phone 03 323 9898 or Thanks, Jenna (Tui Team)


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