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Recycle your Tui Growing Media Bags

Tui are supporting soft plastics recycling in New Zealand by being a paid member of this scheme. You can recycle our growing media bags through the scheme, they just need to be clean and dry.

Watch our video to learn how to clean and dry your Tui growing media bags so they can be recycled at your local soft plastic recycling collection point. Drop off points can be found here.

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Recycle your Tui Growing Media Bags Comments

  • I look forward to your planting and growing advice each week, especially the garden greens and veg.

    Brian Gidley

  • So glad to know that these large bags can be recycled. Thank you!

    Rebecca Armstrong

  • Really enjoy your information and videos. I’d love to get one of these little worm farms I think would be great to have it in the ground. I do enjoy your eight emails and reading all that great information you provide


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