We recently hosted our first Sustainability Week for staff where we celebrated our sustainability milestones, shared education on how we can keep improving as a business and individually, created a school garden and had some fun along the way!

Sustainability education content
The team shared education content via email and on screens around our sites to help us all learn a bit more about sustainability, and what we are doing as a business.

Sustainability themed BBQ brunch
Held in our workplace wellness garden, this was a fun and delicious event for staff trying and learning about new food options. We shared food with lower environmental impacts - locally produced, meat free or plant based.

Garden build at Garden to Table school Rangiuru School
For our 8th year supporting the Garden to Table programme we helped prepare, fill and plant kiwifruit bins as new gardens for the school to grow their own fresh food. It was exciting to see how engaged and keen the children were to learn and try new skills in the garden.

Staff swap meet
There was shopping at work with our Sustainability Week swap meet. The swap meet was a fun opportunity for staff to bring along items from home that could be passed on and given new life by someone else! Plenty of treasures were found to take to new homes and be loved again.

Sustainable Coastlines Clean Up
We did our bit for our beautiful beaches by taking part in a coast clean up and education session organised by Sustainable Coastlines at Pāpāmoa Domain. We learnt about plastic pollution, collected rubbish from along the beach and had fun with our team!

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