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Tina's Spicy Rhubarb Relish

Rhubarb relish

This recipe was kindly supplied by Tina from the West Coast, in the Summer Harvest Recipe competition. Tina says: "I used to love plum sauce but oddly rhubarb has now stolen the show! This is the reason I now have 3 rhubarb plots around my garden - such a versitile recipe - it's delicious as it is but I often chuck in whatever else is ready around the garden - plums, apples, cherry toms. You can make it as sweet or spicy as you desire - it's delicious on meat both hot & cold, with crackers, on baked potatoes - I'd eat sausages all day so long as I could dip them in this delicious sauce!!"


  • 4C sliced rhubarb
  • 2C cider vinegar
  • 1 kg brown sugar
  • 4C diced onion
  • 1/2C sultanas
  • 1-3 chopped chillis
  • 1t chopped garlic
  • 1/2t minced garlic
  • 1t celery salt
  • 1t salt
  • 2t black pepper
  • 1t ground cinnamon
  • 1t ground cloves
  1. Cook rhubarb and vinegar over medium heat for 20 mins.
  2. Add remaining ingredients & simmer, stirring occasionally, for 1 hour.
  3. Pour into hot sterilized jars, seal immediately.
  4. Makes approx. 6x400g jars

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Tina's Spicy Rhubarb Relish Comments

  • "1 kg brown sugar" Really ? That's seems a lot, you sure that not supposed to be 1Cup ?


  • hi Martin, I will check with Tina and get back to you. Thanks! Gemma (Tui Team)


  • Hi Gemma ... and the answer to1kg or 1 cup of brown sugar suggestion is ? ... i like the sound of the flavours in Tina's recipe AND it's simplicity : >) Cheers , Poppy with a bunch of rhubarb .


  • Hi Poppy, sorry but we didn't hear back regarding the amount of brown sugar so can't confirm if it is 1kg or 1 cup. Let us know if you end up making it :) Thanks Jenna - Tui Team


  • I've tried this with almost a full kilo of brown sugar and it was really tasty, quite sweet but the sweetness was balanced out by the chilli, onion and vinigar flavours. I had a look at some other chutney recipes and although this much sugar per fruit is on the sweeter side, there are other recipes with similar amounts. Hope this helps people! I am making my second batch, using 2tsp chilli poweder since I don't have raw chillis. I got just over 4x400g jars but this may be due to my measuring style? A super recipe, thanks Tina and Tui Garden for posting! YUM


  • The recipe is correct with 1kg brown sugar. I make this with tomatoes, kiwi fruit, plums and any other fruit I have in surplus.

    Lillian Hall

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