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Tips for small spaces

Finding the space to plant all the crops that you want can be a challenge, especially if you have an urban property or smaller garden area.

We’ve put together top tips from our Facebook friends so you can get the most out of your space.

Don’t worry about straight lines! There is sunflower, cucumbers, radishes, bok choy, lettuce, pumpkins and zucchini in this patch at the front of the house. – Tessa

Three sisters planting - it’s a type of companion planting where you can grow beans up your corn and pumpkins underneath. You can do it with sunflowers and other plants too. – Shannon

I have two old wheelbarrows with holes in the bottom for my lettuce plants that I can shift around. In winter I put them in the glasshouse so I can have lettuce all year round. – Karen

Inter and companion planting. I have a garden full of strawberries, Chinese cabbages, kohlrabi, chives, lettuce, silverbeet and even a dahlia. Every inch of space is utilised by something. – Brittany

We let a pumpkin grow across the back part of our lawn this summer. Once it dies off, we’ll give the area a mow and possibly a light seed and you’ll never know it was there. – Hannah

Don’t worry too much about the distance on labels, think about how big the end product is and aim for that. We get so much more produce than we used to! – Roanna

Get creative with planters! Options include: concrete planters, half wine barrels, terracotta or wooden planters, fabric wall pockets, pallet gardens and even upcycled baths.

A fun idea is to plant a ‘Feature’ ‘Filler’ and a ‘Spiller’ in larger pots. e.g. a fruit tree as the Feature, lavender as a Filler, and then a flowering plant which will Spill over the edge of the pot.

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