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Trends from the 2024 Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show

The 2024 Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show provided inspiration and insight into upcoming garden trends.

We've put together some of our favourites to inspire your own piece of paradise.

1. Food forests and edible landscaping

The edible garden trend was strong, particularly the seamless inclusion of edible crops in the landscape. Espaliered fruit trees were a feature, maximising the available space.

2. Upcycled garden art

From gumboot planters to hanging baskets, upcycling un-used items from your home into garden art is a simple and sustainable way to add interest to your garden.

3. Relaxing spaces

Peaceful, zen-like havens, often with water features, provided inspiration for creating a relaxing retreat in your own backyard.

4. Planting in layers

Planting densely and in layers created a feast for the eyes with a riot of colour and lush texture.

5. floral art & tablescapes 

Beautiful and abstract floral displays were showcased in the Royal Exhibition Building, including a huge variety of inspiring 'tablescapes'.

6. bee and bug friendly gardens

There was plenty of inspiration for encouraging the pollinators, beneficial bees and insects that help our gardens thrive.

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