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Interactive Grow Plans

Use our interactive plans to help grow your garden. Select the dots to discover handy tips and inspiration!

Herb Growing Guide
Fragrant herbs will add a flavour punch to any meal, particularly when freshly snipped from your own garden. Plant in your garden beds, pots and containers, for a bumper crop of homegrown herbs!
Container Gardening Guide
Easy, eye-catching and fun, container plants are a great way to extend your garden and dress up your outdoor area. We've got some great ideas for container planters you can easily make at home. Create drama at your entrance with potted plants flanking your front door, add some aromatic green herbs to the top of your outdoor table and adorn your deck with a grouping of striking shrubs, grasses and colourful flowers.
Bulb Growing 101
Filling your piece of paradise with fragrant floral displays will bring joy on a daily basis. Discover everything you need to grow beautiful bulbs. 
Grow your own tomatoes
Tomatoes are a Kiwi favourite to enjoy fresh from the garden! Discover our products and advice to successfully grow tomatoes.
Citrus Growing 101
It's a great time to grow citrus & fruit trees. Discover our products and advice to successfully grow citrus & fruit trees.
Strawberry Growing 101
Grow your own juicy fresh strawberries for summer! Discover our products and advice for strawberry success.
Potato Growing 101
Discover all the products and advice you need to successfully grow potatoes
Worm Farming 101
Worm farming is a fun way to turn your organic waste, like kitchen scraps, into rich fertiliser for your garden in the form of worm castings and worm tea, and can be especially fun for the kids to get involved with!
Rose Growing Guide
Rambling roses trained along fences or perfectly pruned standard roses – whatever your bloom of choice may be, filling your piece of paradise with fragrant floral displays will bring joy on a daily basis. Roses are a great option to create structure - for example use standard roses as a divider for different areas of your backyard. Roses will last forever with a bit of care, so they are a great option as a permanent addition to your backyard.
Grow the Ultimate Lawn
Spring is a great time of year to get your lawn sorted. Discover our products and advice to successfully grow a lawn and carry out lawn care. 
Grow your own veges
It's a great time of year to plant your vege patch for fresh homegrown food the whole family can enjoy! Discover our products and tips for vege success.
Autumn Seed Sowing Guide
If you're growing from seed, it's time sow seeds for your autumn and winter crops. Check out some top crops to try and tips to get your seeds off to the best start.
Autumn Companion Plants
After harvesting your summer crops it’s the perfect time to plant more for continuous harvests. Companion planting involves grouping plants together so they can help each other to grow better. We've put together top autumn companions!
Grow your own tomatoes
Tomatoes are a Kiwi favourite to enjoy fresh from the garden! Discover our products and advice to successfully grow tomatoes.
Herb Growing Guide
Fragrant herbs will add a flavour punch to any meal, particularly when freshly snipped from your own garden. Plant in your garden beds, pots and containers, for a bumper crop of homegrown herbs!
Grow your own veges
It's a great time of year to plant your vege patch for fresh homegrown food the whole family can enjoy! Discover our products and tips for vege success.
Worm Farming 101
Worm farming is a fun way to turn your organic waste, like kitchen scraps, into rich fertiliser for your garden in the form of worm castings and worm tea, and can be especially fun for the kids to get involved with!
Strawberry Growing 101
Grow your own juicy fresh strawberries for summer! Discover our products and advice for strawberry success.
Potato Growing 101
Discover all the products and advice you need to successfully grow potatoes
Bulb Growing 101
Filling your piece of paradise with fragrant floral displays will bring joy on a daily basis. Discover everything you need to grow beautiful bulbs. 
Citrus Growing 101
It's a great time to grow citrus & fruit trees. Discover our products and advice to successfully grow citrus & fruit trees.
Grow the Ultimate Lawn
Spring is a great time of year to get your lawn sorted. Discover our products and advice to successfully grow a lawn and carry out lawn care. 
Rose Growing Guide
Rambling roses trained along fences or perfectly pruned standard roses – whatever your bloom of choice may be, filling your piece of paradise with fragrant floral displays will bring joy on a daily basis. Roses are a great option to create structure - for example use standard roses as a divider for different areas of your backyard. Roses will last forever with a bit of care, so they are a great option as a permanent addition to your backyard.
Autumn Companion Plants
After harvesting your summer crops it’s the perfect time to plant more for continuous harvests. Companion planting involves grouping plants together so they can help each other to grow better. We've put together top autumn companions!

Discover guides, tips, recipes, Q&A and products for popular garden topics.