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Can I reuse bulb mix for next years bulbs?



Hi there, can I reuse Tui bulb mix for next years bulbs? I used Tui bulb mix for my potted tulips and gladioli's. I have removed the bulbs and stored them away. I also removed the bulb mix from the pots and tipped it back into the bags after removing the roots. The mixture is now very dry but just wondering if it is okay to reuse the soil again? Cheers, Nadine.



Hi Nadine, the bulb mix won't have a lot of nutrients left in it as the gladioli and tulips will have used them up. Some bulbs, such as gladioli, are susceptible to insect pests such as thrips, and bulb rot can overwinter in the mix. If you know the mix is pest and disease free, then reuse it, but add a controlled release fertiliser such as Tui Enrich Pots and Containers to the mix before reusing to replenish the nutrients, or, add last seasons bulb mix to fresh potting mix. Alternatively use the old bulb mix as a planting mix in the garden. Best practice would be to use new potting mix to get the best from your bulbs and to ensure they are pest and disease free when planted. Lianne.

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