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Can you plant tomatoes straight into a bag of Tomato Mix?


Hi, can you plant tomatoes straight into a Tomato Mix bag and if so, which variety would give me the best crop? Thanks, Judy.


Yes you sure can plant tomatoes straight into Tui Tomato Mix. Any variety is fine, just remember tall varieties need staking. Try planting either a semi dwarf Russian Red (needs staking but doesn’t grow so tall) or tall cherry tomatoes which grow tall. The key to success is regular watering and feeding. Start feeding tomatoes once the first truss of flowers have set fruit.


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Can you plant tomatoes straight into a bag of Tomato Mix? Comments

  • Hi have you got a any kind of programme or anything as such of what i ca grow near tomatoes and strawberries i am putting my full concentration around these to fruit specious as i have never grown them before please enlighten ASAP


  • Hi Walter, thank you for your question. You can find our tomato growing guide here: and our strawberry guide here: Carrots, lettuce, chives, onions, leeks, radishes, rosemary, sage, parsley, marigolds and nasturtiums are good options to grow with tomatoes. Avoid planting tomatoes with dill, fennel, potatoes and the Brassica family. Plant borage and lettuce near strawberries. Hope this helps! Thanks, Tui Team


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