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Fertilising a new lawn


Hi, Re Patching a Lawn. I sowed a new area of lawn on 1/4/21, a bit late perhaps, but quite a good strike. Can I put some Tui Lawn Force New Lawns on now, I am a bit scared of burning the new lawn. The pack directions say this is a slow release fertiliser. How often should I put it on. Thanks Jim Hewes

Jim Hewes


Hi Jim, Tui LawnForce New Lawns is the only fertiliser suitable for applying to newly established lawns or at the time of sowing. It is a three month slow release fertiliser that works through stimulating soil microbial activity and so helps improve root development, it can be applied every three months, in spring and again in late summer early autumn. At this time of the year you are probably better to wait until spring to apply fertiliser as lawns are not actively growing especially if temperatures are below 10 degrees Celsius. There is enough food in the seed capsule once the seed germinates to sustain the grass for at least 10 weeks, then it will be spring and time to apply lawn fertiliser. Regards, Lianne, Tui Team.

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