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How do I control earwigs on my vegetables?



Hi Tui, how do I control earwigs and stop them from eating vegetable plants. I have a big infestation of them. Thanks.

Linda flynn


Hi Linda, earwigs are good predators to have in the garden and they don't usually cause too much damage, however, sometimes populations can get high and they will start nipping at plants. Place some screwed up newspaper or corrugated cardboard around the plants and see if you catch any earwigs, they like to hide under leaf litter and bark mulch. There are bait stations available from garden centres and DIY stores, or try screwed up newspaper or corrugated cardboard. Remove any bark or straw mulch around the plants and where they may shelter. Also check for slugs and snails as they are more likely to be the culprit, go out at night with a torch and check around your plants for signs of slugs and snails, apply a suitable bait such as Tui Quash if you see any present. The Tui Team.

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How do I control earwigs on my vegetables? Comments

  • Hi, how can I eradicate chickweed from my vege garden?


    • Hi Lyn, chickweed seed germinates in autumn and grows through winter and spring, but can germinate at any time of the year. There is perennial and annual chickweed, both have shallow root systems and are easy to pull, the best way to ensure the weeds do not return is to not let the plants flower. They do not like dry soils and thrive in moist damp soils, so anything you can do to improve drainage in your vegetable garden will be helpful such as raising beds, adding compost or garden mix and other organic matter to improve your soil and drainage. Cultivate the soil as they don't like being disturbed, apply mulch over the vegetable garden, use slabs of pea straw or apply Tui Mulch and Feed to keep the weeds down and smother them, especially when they are small, don't let them get big. Avoid putting weeds into your compost bin, chickweed is a prolific seeder and if your compost doesn't heat up sufficiently the seeds will still be viable and germinate. Best to dispose of chickweed either by burning or in the rubbish, or maybe you have space for an undesirables compost pile? As the weeds are in your vegetable garden spraying with a herbicide is not recommended.


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