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How do I get bigger mandarins?


Hi, I moved house and the place we are in now has a mandarin tree. The mandarins are tiny, what can I do to get them big? Thank you Joanne.


Mandarins are wonderful fruits. For the crop this year there is nothing you can do to remedy the problem. In the spring, give the plant a side dressing of Tui Citrus Food and add a layer of mulch all around the base of the plant. This will feed the plant and keep the root zone moist. Over summer keep the plant well watered, small fruit indicate poor watering over the summer when the fruit develops. An application of Tui Organic Seaweed Plant Tonic will give the plant a boost. Avoid adding the fertiliser too early as young growth may get frosted.

Read our Citrus Growing Guide here

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How do I get bigger mandarins? Comments

  • Hi. i have a lemon tree that hasnt grown fruit yet. The tree is very green and healthy looking about a year or two would i need to feed it an. when would i expect some fruit


  • Hi Pat, as your tree is only a year or two old it is still relatively young. It sounds like you have a healthy tree which is great. The essentials for lemons are full sun, good fertile soil, water and protection from frost when young. If your tree is in a pot, make sure the potting mix is fresh and top quality, good drainage is essential. Feed during spring and summer with Tui Citrus Food if planted in the garden or Tui NovaTec Premium fertiliser if in a pot. Keep your tree well watered through the hottest months. This is when the fruit are forming, if the soil gets dry, the plant sheds its fruit. To give yours a boost now, drench with Seasol seaweed based plant tonic once a week for a month. Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team.


  • Hello there, I read online that I could get Rose cuttings to grow by inserting them into Potatoes...I did this AND I must have not done it correctly as the cuttings have died...HOWEVER there are now 4 beautiful looking Potato Plants growing instead...and because they look so good I will now buy the correct Seed Potatoes to plant as well and make sure I get a crop...I'm not sure that these I have will mature...It is so rewarding to see new life springing forth even when not what is expected...


  • Hi Mary, thank you for getting in touch. Great work, the rose cuttings in potato idea looks fun, however the success rate does vary. Your healthy looking spuds may grow ok in the garden but the seed potatoes you buy will produce a far better crop. Enjoy your garden. Thanks, Tui Team.


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