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How do I get rid of carrot fly?


Hi, I hope you can help me. Our carrots have carrot fly and I would like to know how to get rid of it as this is the second year we have had it. Thanks, Allan.



Hi Allan, avoid growing carrots in the same place each year and rotate with another crop that is not a root crop.

Make sure any carrots infected with larvae are removed and disposed of. Bury carrots below the soil so that the fly cannot lay its eggs.

It is also a good idea to plant when the fly is not active and avoid planting in April to June and August to September. Plant in fresh soil each year adding new Tui Vegetable Mix when planting.


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How do I get rid of carrot fly? Comments

  • I find with carrot fly that a good spraying of soapy water say from your washing machine, will usually do the trick in getting rid of the fly. If it persists, add an insect/aphid killer to the soapy water.

    Colin L Deans

  • Hi Colin, that is a great idea thank you for sharing! Thanks, Tui Team


  • Try planting carrots in a container raised 18inches off the ground,the fly is unable to fly that high


    • They flew higher than that in my garden last year! My raised bed is 75cm above ground level, and they still got my carrots.

      Linda Lawrence

  • Carrot Fly To deter carrot fly add a few grains of Condy’s Crystals to water to make a light pinky colour and spray this over the young carrot tops. Also, Water along the the row when you plant the seeds. The result! Nice healthy carrots.

    John Powell

  • Apart from keeping up crop rotations another trick is to plant onions next to the carrots, the carrot fly gets confused by the smell and is less likely to lay eggs.

    Vivienne Roberts

  • Great tips everyone, thank you for sharing with us. I am sure they will be helpful to others :) Thanks, Tui Team


  • I have had rosemary cuttings among my carrots this last season, and coincidentally no fly attack and a nice crop of juicey carrots.

    Rosemary Thompson

  • Companion planting is great...peas..chives..luttuce...tomatoes...marigolds.....each plant helping each other...again rotate cropping...


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