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How do I keep the birds from digging in my pots?



I have planted some tomato plants in pots on my deck. I have birds digging up the soil and digging out the basil that has been planted with them. I've put skewers in the dirt pointy side up but it hasn't stopped them at all. How do I keep the birds from digging in the pots?

Rachel Fairley-king


Hi Rachel, suggest putting either netting or sparkly string or bird scare tape over or around your plants. Birds are creature of habit, once they can’t feed or get what they want from an area they generally leave. Alternatively, you could put up a bird feeder to distract them from your garden.

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How do I keep the birds from digging in my pots? Comments

  • How do I stop the birds getting in my pots?

    Eileen Walding

    Hi Eileen, place spinning whirly gigs that blow in the wind, under plant your pot with flowers or herbs, depending what is planted in your pots. Bird scaring tape or shiny dangly objects help deter birds, place bamboo sticks like kebab sticks in the mix pointing upwards so that they can't scratch, or, place small twigs around the base of the plant. Alternatively, put in a bird feeder to try and draw the birds away from your pots and containers. Lianne.

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