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How do I propagate a Black Boy peach tree?

  Bay of Plenty


Hi, can I take cuttings from a Black Boy peach tree now, and how long will it take to root. Thanks.

lucilla Reid


Hi Lucilla, cuttings can be taken from Black Boy peaches, but spring isn’t the right time to do it as the tree will be starting to flower and burst into leaf and this new growth will wilt. Cuttings should be taken at the end of the season using current seasons growth, so a semi hardwood/hardwood cutting about 15cm long. Make a small nick in the bark at the base of the cutting, dip it into rooting hormone, place into a free draining mix (or the garden) and place in a shady spot where the mix will stay moist. It could take 6-8 weeks for cuttings to root. Black Boy peaches germinate easily from seed and grow true to type. At the end of the season collect seed, let it dry out, once the seed is dry, it can either be planted directly into the garden, mark the spot so you don’t lose it, or planted in pots, the seed needs winter chilling and should sprout in spring. You may get better germination results if you crack the stone with a hammer taking care not to damage the kernel inside, plant the kernel (which looks like an almond) into potting mix or directly into the garden. I hope this information is helpful. Lianne.


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