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How do I prune my apricot tree?



Hi Tui, I have a large apricot tree which appears to have never been pruned. We need to really reduce its size and make it easier to harvest next season. How do we do this?



Hi Katrina,

Prune gradually, so that you maintain fruit on the tree. The best time to prune apricots is in summer after they have finished fruiting. Apricots fruit on spurs from the previous seasons growth, so 2-3 year old wood. The spurs fruit for 3-4 years and then should be removed as the older spurs start to bi-ennially bear fruit (that is fruiting every second year).

Vigorous growth should be shortened each year in summer. Remove dead, dying and decayed wood, remove branches that are crossing over and growing inwards into the tree. You want to create an open vase shape with 4-5 main branches radiating outwards in a V shape. This also improves air circulation around the tree and lessens the chance of disease. If possible, only reduce the tree by about one third at a time. Drastic pruning leads to vegetative growth and little or no fruit, you will end up with a lot of leaf and not a lot of flower.

To reduce the size of the tree to a manageable height and size, it will need to be done over several years. Use clean sharp tools so cuts are clean. Make sure cuts on a 45 degree angle so water runs off. All wounds need to be sealed with a water based paint or pruning paste, this is to stop disease entering the tree through the wounds, especially silver leaf which apricots are susceptible to.

Thanks, Tui Team. 

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