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How do I stop my feijoa fruit tasting sour?


Hi, last season all the fruit from my feijoa trees were very sour. I was wondering if I had given them too much food? I had given them plenty of water from fruit set onwards. The trees are 3-4 years old. Thanks, John.


Potash will help improve fruit flavour – Tui Citrus Fertiliser has a good amount of potash (potassium - that is the K in the NPK on the pack). It could be that the variety you are growing is not such a sweet one. You can also try giving your tree a dose of potash using the Tui Fruit and Flower Sulphate of Potash which can be applied around the dripline of the tree or mixed in a watering can and applied. Also note, 3-4 years is not very old for a fruiting tree.

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How do I stop my feijoa fruit tasting sour? Comments

  • My fejioa is probably around 6/7 years old around 4 metres tall. I do not feed it with any fertiliser but keep it well pruned in the centre. This year it has flourished and is absolutely laden with very large juicy fruit. I will give the outer a good prune before next season.

    John Williams

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