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How do I stop my mandarin trees cyclically bearing fruit?



Hi, is it possible and if so how do I get my mandarins to fruit each year, at present I have youngish trees (2) and they appear to be on a boom & bust cycle of fruiting.

Annie Percy


Hi Annie, mandarins are renowned for being cyclical bearing trees. This can be caused by environmental and climatic factors, such as too cold and drought, can have an effect, so water consistently in the growing season, feed in early spring and again in late summer with a specially blended citrus fertiliser, and mulching will help reduce the effects of weather. Thinning fruit on an on year to reduce the load, although mandarins do their own self thinning if they are too heavily laden. If it is an off year trim back the foliage lightly to stimulate new growth as citrus fruit on current seasons growth. Apply mulch around the trees so they don’t dry out in summer and to protect the roots in winter. I hope this is helpful information. Lianne.

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