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How do I stop potato / tomato psyllid?



Hi, how do I protect my potatoes from the psyllid??

Chris Archbold


Hi Chris, the potato/tomato psyllid is difficult to control, but luckily there are a few things you can do to help prevent infestations. Plant your potatoes early in the season, (this may not be practical in frost prone areas), try early season varieties such as Rocket, Swift, Jersey Benne, Cliff Kidney and get them started early, the crop will be harvested before the psyllid start to multiply in numbers. If you are planting main crop varieties cover your crops with a horticultural insect mesh that lets the light and moisture in but keeps insects out. If you have had psyllid before make sure all plant material from the previous season has been removed and burnt or disposed of in the rubbish as they overwinter in leaf matter. Keep weeds at bay, make sure the area is weed free, especially weeds such as black nightshade and woolly nightshade as they are of the same family as potatoes and tomatoes so can be a host. They also affect capsicums, tamarillo's and egg plant. There are sprays that are approved for psyllid control, although they jump when disturbed or sprayed, so several control measures may need to be used. Talk to your local garden centre or DIY store for a suitable control. Lianne. 

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