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We have a neighbor's pomegranate tree growing over our fence. How can I keep it there but pulled bac

  Bay of Plenty


Hi Tui, we have a neighbour's pomegranate tree growing over our fence. How can I keep it there but pulled back out of the way a bit? Can we tuck it in behind some espalier wire so it still produces and looks lovely without taking up our space?



Hi Margi,

Yes, you can espalier pomegranate, it looks like it is growing over to the sunny side of the fence. Attach wires to your fence/retaining wall, then start trimming, tying back and training so that it doesn't invade your space. It might be a nice courtesy to talk to your neighbour first, legally you can remove anything that is over your boundary or fence line. I would suggest running a couple of wires 3 metres long to train the tree, garden wire is sufficient, you don't need No 8 wire to do this. Regards, The Tui Team.

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We have a neighbor's pomegranate tree growing over our fence. How can I keep it there but pulled bac Comments

  • My first year tamarillo is flowering, will these turn to fruit or should I discard them & wait for fruit next year?


    • Hi Carol, tamarillos flower in spring and summer and fruit from April through to November, it is normal for trees to bear fruit within the first 18 months of being planted. In the first year of growth it is important to establish a good framework for the tree so that the tree can bear the weight of the fruit. The seasons have been all mixed up lately and as your tree is flowering late, I would recommend removing the flowers as it is now a bit late in the season and so it is unlikely the fruit will have time to fully develop. By removing the flowers the tree is going to put its energies into establishing a good root system. Tamarillo fruit on new seasons growth, and if you haven't already, to establish a good frame work, when the tree gets to 1-1.5 metres high pinch the tip out and allow the tree to branch. When the branches are 50cm long pinch out the growing tips so any fruit that develops will be close to the centre of the tree and the branches will be less likely to break under the weight of fruit.


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