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How do I water potatoes while away for 5-6 weeks?



Hi, we have to move out of our house for 5 to 6 weeks and I want to plant my potatoes for Christmas, there is no one to water them so is it worth planting them? Thanks.

Grant Freer


Hi Grant, I think it is worth planting them, especially if it is early in the season when temperatures are cooler and there is more rain, once established, they should cope without watering, you will get something from them, maybe just not your usual bumper harvest. Plant early varieties such as Cliff Kidney, Rocket, Swift or Jersey Benne, they don't require mounding like the main crop varieties do so will be more low maintenance while you are away. Consider planting them into a pile of rotted hay or placing rotted hay or pea straw mulch on top once the seed potatoes are planted, make sure the soil is nice and damp before doing this and give the area a good watering before you go away, this will help conserve soil moisture and keep the weeds down. Fill some 1.5L bottles with water and tip upside down in the soil, this may help water for a week or so. I hope these tips are helpful, good luck with the Christmas spuds! Lianne, Tui Team. 

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