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How often do I apply citrus food?



Hi Tui, how often during spring & summer should I apply Tui Citrus Fertiliser? Should it be fortnightly, monthly, every 6 months? Thanks.

Brian Stott


Hi Brian,

Feed citrus every six months, apply Tui Citrus food in spring and summer. As citrus as sub-tropical fruit they can be frost tender in some areas. When to apply in spring will depend upon whether you experience frosts or not. Apply citrus food in August, September, or when the risk of frost has passed. If fertiliser is applied too early in the season, this will push soft new growth that doesn't have time to harden off if there is a late frost. If your citrus does get frost damage, do not remove the damaged foliage until frosts have finished as this will also push new growth when the branches are cut back. Feed citrus again in late summer, early autumn - January, February. If you are in a frost prone area area feed early autumn so new growth has time to harden off, in frost-free areas you can feed later (March, April). The Tui Team. 

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