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I think somethings eating my lemons, what should I spray the tree with? 



Hi Tui, my lemons on my two trees look like a bug has been chewing skin, what would I spray the tree with?

Heather McDonald


Hi Heather 

That is likely to be slugs and snails. Go out at night with a torch and I am sure you will find snails or slugs on your trees. Use a slug bait such as Tui Quash around the base. Tui Quash is the safer slug and snail bait to use especially around pets, wild life and children. If it isn't slugs and snails it could be possums. Spray the tree with Tui Seaweed and Fish Fertiliser and that should deter them as they don’t like the fish smell.

Thanks, Tui Team 

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I think somethings eating my lemons, what should I spray the tree with?  Comments

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