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I’ve just planted white hydrangeas and the leaves are turning purple. What might cause this?



Hi Tui, I’ve just planted white hydrangeas and some of the leaves are turning purple. I'm wondering what the problem is and what I can do? Thank you so much.

Helen Ryan


Hi Helen 

The only way to know what nutrients are missing is to do a soil test, there are simple soil test kits available from garden centres or DIY stores. While purple leaves could be a sign of a nutrient deficiency, it is also possible that the soil temperature needs to warm up, as temperatures warm up the purple will go away. We suggest you use a balanced fertiliser for your hydrangea such as Tui NovaTec Premium or Tui General Fertiliser. 

Thanks, Tui Team 

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I’ve just planted white hydrangeas and the leaves are turning purple. What might cause this? Comments

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