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My compost worms have moved to the collector tray, why would they do this?



Hi Tui, I have a worm farm question. A lot of the worms have moved from the the scrap food tray down to the worm cast tray below. Is this normal as it has not happened before, there is plenty of food in the scrap tray. If it is not normal behaviour how do I fix it? Hope you can help. Murray Wood

Murray Livingstone Wood


Hi Murray, compost worms natural instinct is to move up towards their food source. It is likely that your worms are too hot and have moved lower to be cooler. If the worm farm is in full sun move it to a more shady position for summer. If you haven't already done this, place a worm blanket over the working tray (or you can use damp cardboard, newspaper or a piece of wool carpet) to keep them cool and moist. If it is excessively hot you can remove the lid and gently hose the whole unit, make sure the tap in the collector tray is open to let the excess water out. The Tui Team.

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My compost worms have moved to the collector tray, why would they do this? Comments

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