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My daffodils have rust, what can I do to stop it spreading?



Hi Tui, I have got daffodil rust which has now also infected some of my other bulbs. How can I get rid of it? Thanks.

Barbara Britton


Hi Barbara, daffodil rust is a physiological disorder and not thought to be caused by a pathogen or fungal disease. Physiological disorders are caused by things other than insect pests and diseases, they could be caused by adverse weather, the growing environment, light levels, watering - too much or too little, fertilisers - too much or not enough, herbicide damage, daffodil rust is sometimes also called stem rust. Fungicides are not effective against daffodil rust, it may not appear every season, and is dependent upon growing conditions and how moisture retentive the soil is. Make sure your bulbs are fertilised in early spring when the first flower buds appear and again when flowering has finished. Depending upon where they are planted, mulching around the bulbs will help add organic matter to the soil, and conserve soil moisture. If the bulbs have been in the ground for a while, they could be lifted, divided and replanted. The Tui Team.

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