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My mandarin has ripening fruit and a lot more new fruit just starting, is this normal?



Hi Tui, I have a 2-year old mandarin tree and have had quite a few fruit, there are loads more almost ripe, but now it has a lot of tiny new fruit appearing. The tree looks very healthy. Is this normal to have on-going fruit?



Hi Linda, citrus trees fruit depending upon temperature, and not the season, it is normal to have ripening and developing fruit at the same time. A 2 year old tree is not very old so you may want to thin some of the fruit if it is heavily laden. Most citrus shed fruit for up to three months after fruit set, except mandarins. Make sure the plant is regularly fed using a specially blended citrus fertiliser and keep the water up to the tree in hot weather. Mulch around your mandarin to help conserve soil moisture. In cooler regions avoid feeding your citrus too late into autumn as this will push soft new growth that doesn't have time to harden off before winter frosts appear. Hopefully the fruit will ripen before winter. The Tui Team.

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My mandarin has ripening fruit and a lot more new fruit just starting, is this normal? Comments

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