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My potatoes are brown inside, what has caused this?



Hi, my freshly dug potatoes are brown inside, I have had a good crop, only the inside of the potato is brown.

Roly Veitch


Hi Roly, this is a sign that the crop has been stressed at some stage, most likely it is caused by too much heat over the summer and constant heat, with no cooler overnight temperatures. Infrequent or irregular watering or insufficient feeding throughout the growing season can also cause brown flecking. Potatoes are gross feeders and do a lot of growing over a short period of time, feed them with a specially blended potato fertiliser such as Tui Potato Food every 4-6 weeks for optimum growth. There is an insect called the Tomato/Potato psyllid that can cause ‘Zebra Chip’ which causes brown flecking throughout the potato. If it was psyllid, you wouldn't have had a good crop, so it is unlikely to be insect damage, but more caused by environmental stress. If the potatoes are firm, and not soft, they will be okay to eat. If they are soft, discard the potatoes. The Tui Team.

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