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My strawberries are flowering early, do I leave the flowers on?


Hi, I've got flowers on my strawberry plants from last season. It seems early, do I trim the flowers off to promote new growth or leave them on for early strawberries? Thanks, Lesley.


You can do either - if you leave the flowers on you will get strawberries, however they might not be very big and could be deformed due to lack of pollination. If you take the flowers off the plant's energy will go into producing bigger and better fruit for the coming months!

When spring arrives, feed every four weeks over the key growing season with Tui Strawberry Food.

Get our strawberry growing guide here >



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My strawberries are flowering early, do I leave the flowers on? Comments

  • Hi Tui team & Co. Have some store bought kumara that I'd like to grow slips from (can't seem to find any to buy ready for planting :) and plant into the ground. What is the most productive way to do this?


  • Hi Kim, let the kumara start sprouting, put it somewhere warm such as the hot water cupboard. The shoots should start forming roots as they get to 10cm long, carefully remove the shoots and plant or divide the kumara into pieces with shoots attached. Make sure you give them plenty of space to grow, treat the area as you would for planting potatoes. A light dressing of superphosphate will help develop lovely big tubers. Avoid putting too much nitrogen into the soil, light soils are best. Happy planting, Tui Team


  • Hi Tui Team My globe archichokes are infested by a small round black bug chewing the stem of the leaves .. Would like to eradicate them ..tried all sorts ,anyone knows what are they called ..and how to destroy them ?

    Marie Aimee

  • Hi Marie, it sounds like you have a type of aphid residing on your plants. If you have a jet nozzle on your hose, try and blast as many off as you can, then allow the foliage to fully dry. Then treat with an insect spray - check at your local garden centre. All the best ^Tui Team


  • I have planted strawberry plants in a tunnel house so they probably won’t get the bees to pollinate. Will that be an issue? 


    • If you leave the glasshouse doors open during the day the bees should find their way in to the tunnel house. You will know very quickly if the flowers aren’t being pollinated and may need to do hand pollination of flowers with a small paint brush if there is no fruit set.

      Tui Team

  • Hi, I have a lot a little strawberries peeping out and lots of blossom. Is this right or do I pinch off the blossom and tiny berries Thank you. Ann.


    • Hi Ann, it is normal to get a second flush of fruit in autumn, the fruit are not usually as big, abundant and juicy as in spring. In summer once fruiting has finished, tidy up the plants, remove old foliage and feed them with Tui Strawberry Food, and keep plants watered through the summer months, they will fruit again in autumn. 

      The Tui Team

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