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Planting tomatoes in a glasshouse



If planting tomatoes in a hot house and they have to be in the same place every year, how do you keep them healthy - do you have to change the soil every year? Or is there something you would advise to use to clean hot house and soil?

Joan Manson


Hi Joan, it isn’t best practice, but you should be fine replanting in the same space as last season. Ensure all plant material from the previous season has been removed as it may harbour overwintering insect pests and diseases. Replenished the soil by digging in plenty of organic compost and tomato potting mix, add sheep pellets to boost organic matter which helps with moisture retention as well. I have tomatoes in a raised garden bed planted into the same spot each year, the soil gets replenished and fertiliser added in spring. Make sure you have good ventilation and air circulation in the glasshouse to help prevent pests and diseases becoming a problem and water consistently throughout the season. Lianne.

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