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Should I prune my passionfruit now?


Hi team, our passionfruit took off this season covering the side of the garage giving lots of delicious fruit. Should we be cutting it back now to make sure we get another good harvest? Thanks, Laurel.


In spring when the risk of frost has passed remove weak or dead growth, reduce vigorous shoots by about one third and thin out overcrowded growth and vines that are growing where you don’t want them. Pruning will ensure the vine is vigorous and produces fruit.

When temperatures warm up start feeding it a fertiliser rich in potassium (potash) such as Tui NovaTec Premium fertiliser so that you get good flowering and fruiting.


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Should I prune my passionfruit now? Comments

  • Thanks - I wondered the same and good to know what is the best fertiliser

    Jo Cottingham

  • I have never grown potatoes before, when is best time to plant and what variety , for middle of north island


  • Hi Heather, you can't beat homegrown spuds and now is a great time. You will need to sprout the potatoes for around a month before planting. Check out our Potato Growing Guide here: Varieties are chosen on time to harvest and cooking preferences. Check our varieties out here: Happy potato planting from the Tui Team!


  • My passionfruit vine is already growing new tendrils - is it too late in early October to prune it? There appears to be a lot of dead vines beneath the new growth.

    Penny Ramsdale

    • Hi Penny, yes you can still prune your plant. When you are doing this, cut away all the dead material as well. If you haven’t done so already, apply a side dressing of fruit fertiliser to your plant now and apply Tui Organic Seaweed Plant Tonic to give the plant a real boost for the season. All the best.

      Tui Team

  • Hi, as it is the beginning of August and I live in Nth Canterbury can I prune my Passion fruit heavily now. It got out of control when I lost my husband and although I have had lots of fruit last year I would like to get it back to a manageable size. Thankyou for your help.


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