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Should I remove the fruit off my young lime tree in a pot?



Hi Tui, I have a first year lime tree in a pot. Should I still take the fruit off it to help the roots grow even if it is in a pot? Thanks.

Alison Starling


Hi Alison, it doesn't matter if the plant is in a pot or in the garden, best practice is to remove fruit on immature fruit trees so that the roots, and the plant, have time to develop good strong healthy growth and roots to sustain flowering and fruiting in the future. Citrus do have the ability to naturally shed fruit if the tree cannot sustain it or for other reasons such as inconsistent watering and the tree dries out at some stage, or due to adverse weather conditions. It is tempting to leave at least one fruit on the tree, it is up to you whether you do that or not. The main thing for good growth is that the tree is consistently watered, is in a sheltered, warm sunny position, and is regularly fed. The Tui Team.

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