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What are the pinhead sized white mites under my kale and broccoli leaves?



Hi Tui,

My kale and broccoli plants have a very tiny pinhead sized white mites on the under leaves. If you flick them they fly away but have no visible wings to the naked eye nor a tail or any bulk to their body.

I am having trouble identifying them as I am looking for a natural means rid them. There have been white butterflies around but these bugs don't seem typical of their larvae. They leave a powdery/moldy white spot about 2mm in diameter. What could they be please?

Jo Brown


Hi Jo

That sounds like white fly, which is a sap sucking insect. Talk to your local garden centre for a suitable natural control. There are yellow sticky pheromone traps available that help control white fly, it attracts the male and so breaks the life cycle.

Keep your plants well watered, fertilise regularly and use Tui Organic Seaweed Plant Tonic to help overall plant health and stimulate growth. Plants that are actively growing are less likely to be affected with pests and diseases. A fine mesh over your plants will help stop white cabbage butterfly laying eggs on your kale and broccoli.

Thanks, Tui Team. 

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