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What can I do about aphids on cauliflower and broccoli?



Hi Tui, how do I deal with aphids on cauliflower and broccoli? Thanks.

Joe Farrell


Hi Joe, there is nothing worse than insect pests invading your vegetable patch. Other than the obvious answer to spray with an insecticide, either organic or chemical, your local garden centre or DIY store can give you the best recommendation on what to use. There are a few cultural practices to help reduce insect pests. Crop rotation is a good idea if you have persistent problems with aphids, don't grow the same crop in the same place, try planting another crop where your broccoli and cauliflower are planted and plant brassicas in another place. Always pick up fallen leaves and remove plants that have gone to seed or finished so that they don't have anywhere to hide or overwinter. Don't compost plant material that has infestations of aphids, dispose of them so that they can't live on in the compost heap. Cold winters and frosts are good for reducing insect populations. Keep your plants well watered throughout the growing season and well fed. Regularly feed to keep plants actively growing, if plants get stressed, insect pests are good at picking up a weakness and attack. Feed your garden with Tui Seaweed Plant tonic, this helps protect plants from pest and disease attack by strengthening the cell wall of the plant, stimulates root growth and promotes healthy growth. Try putting a fine mesh over your plants, available from hardware stores, this will also keep the white cabbage butterfly at bay as well. Encourage ladybirds, praying mantis and lace wings to your garden, they feed on aphids. If all else fails, try a blast with the hose every now and again to dislodge them. The Tui Team

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