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What can I grow near my tomatoes?


Hi, have you got any advice on what I can grow near tomatoes? I am putting my full concentration around growing these as I have never grown them before. Thanks, Walter.


Carrots, lettuce, chives, onions, leeks, radishes, rosemary, sage, parsley, marigolds and nasturtiums are good options to grow with tomatoes and will help deter insect pests. Avoid planting tomatoes with dill, fennel, potatoes and the brassica family. You can find our tomato growing guide here.


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What can I grow near my tomatoes? Comments

  • I've recently seen advertised a tomato/potato hybrid, seems rather odd, does this combination really work ?


  • Hi Shirley, one of our staff members has tried to grow one last year. Yes it did work - it did produce potatoes and tomatoes. The tomatoes grew really well but the potatoes not as well as if you had planted separate potato plants. Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team


  • My gardening skills are "improving" thanks to Tui products and the newsletters you put out. Many thanks for this extra help that I needed. Cheers

    Richard Brooker

    • Hi Richard, that's really wonderful to hear. We're passionate about helping Kiwis discover the joy of gardening and pleased to be helping you grow in the garden with our information. Wishing you a successful spring in the garden from the Tui Team

      Tui Team

  • Waht to grow with Tomatos. 1/ Basil 2/ Basil 3/ Basil Cheers


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