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What can I spray on my Roses for healthy growth?



Hi Tui, what is the best Tui spray to put on Roses to make good healthy growth? Thanks.



Hi Margaret,

The best thing to spray on roses for healthy green growth and to promote long lasting flowers is Tui Organic Seaweed Plant Tonic and Tui Seaweed & Fish. The Seaweed Plant Tonic helps stimulates root growth, promotes healthy foliage and flowering, helps plants better resist pest and disease attack, and tolerate temperature fluctuations - hot and cold. Tui Seaweed + Fish has the benefits of seaweed and is a fertiliser with an NPK ratio of 10.8-1.3-6.3 + trace elements. It also contains soil humates to help stimulate soil microbes and fish emulsion which is a rich source of nitrogen. Both can be mixed together at their usual dilution rates and used as a foliar feed. You can do this in addition to your usual fertiliser regime for your roses. 

If you are looking for an insecticide spray for pests and diseases, talk to your local garden centre or DIY store and let them know which insect pests and diseases you are wanting to control. They can make a recommendation for you. The Tui Team.

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