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What could be eating my passionfruit flowers?



Hi Tui, something is eating my passionfruit flowers and buds. I have tried slug and snail bait and spraying with an insecticide spray to no avail. Thanks.

Ann Mansfield


Hi Ann, if you have tried slug and snail bait and have applied an insecticide spray, it could be earwigs. Place some screwed up newspaper or corrugated cardboard around the base of the plant and see if you catch any earwigs, they like to hide under leaf litter and bark mulch. Earwigs are good predators to have in the garden and they don't usually cause too much damage, sometimes populations can get high and the will start nipping at flowers and buds. You can get bait stations from garden centres and DIY stores, or try screwed up newspaper or corrugated cardboard. Remove any bark or straw mulch where they may shelter. Go out at night and check for slugs and snails because they could also be culprits. The Tui Team. 

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What could be eating my passionfruit flowers? Comments

  • Could be birds.


  • My passionfruit has grown a lot of green and even half a dozen fruit in the last 2 months, in late autumn early winter. I live in Mt Albert Auckland…should I cut it back or wait for spring?


    • Hi Eric, prune your passionfruit by removing dead, diseased or weak growth. Keep the main framework and cut back laterals (side shoots) 15cm - 20cm and remove the fruit as they are unlikely to ripen now before spring, passionfruit fruit on new seasons growth. If you do not experience frosts, prune your vine now, otherwise wait until early spring when new growth starts. 


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