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What do I do with my asparagus in the first year?


Hi, this year I decided to try growing asparagus which I planted into bags. I planted them in July and they grew rapidly but very tall and now look like ferns not asparagus. What do I do with them now? Thanks, Natasha.


Asparagus is a long term crop and it is best not to harvest it in the first couple of seasons to allow the crowns to mature to a harvesting size. You can leave the fern like tops alone or cut them down a little, but the aim of the foliage it to provide enough energy for the plant to develop a larger crown for up coming seasons. A little patience will pay off in the long run. Once established, crowns will produce for many years.

Keep the area weed free year-round. As they are growing in bags give them a side dressing of Tui NovaTec Premium fertiliser in spring.

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What do I do with my asparagus in the first year? Comments

  • Is using fertiliser part of organic gardening?


  • When is a good time to harvest artichokes? Also when the italian parlsey has gone to seed, should I be pulling it all out?


  • Hi Heather, plants use nutrients from the soil as they grow, so replenishing nutrients used ensures they will grow to their full potential. Apply Tui Organic Compost between plantings to replenish nutrients. Sheep pellets, blood & bone, and seaweed-based fertilisers are all natural options you can use. Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team


  • Hi Honor, do you have globe artichokes or Jerusalem artichokes? Globe should be harvested in late summer-autumn and Jerusalem should be harvested late autumn-winter. Yes once your Italian parsley has gone to seed we suggest pulling it out and planting a new plant. Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team


  • My asparagus is growing spikes in May. Is this normal? 


    • Hi Bill, it is normal for asparagus to have an autumn flush of growth. It has been unseasonably warm and so plants think it is spring, as it cools down the growth will stop. Harvest the asparagus or leave them to go to leaf. Happy gardening!

      Tui Team

  • Hi, This is the second season for my asparagus & I am not quite sure what to do with them. They are about 2 feet long. The first year they were fern like. Do I cut them down? Or just leave them tall? Thanks!


    • Hi Molly, leave your asparagus fern to yellow and die down. You can reduce the fronds if they are getting too big and out of control by bending them over, or cut them back by a third. Don't cut them right back until they have turned yellow as that is the food source for the crown and next seasons growth. Make sure you keep the bed weed free, when you cut the asparagus down, lay compost or plenty of organic matter on the bed. Also, remove any crowns that have red berries as they are female plants and produce skinny stalks, where the male plants produce the nice plump shoots in spring.

      Tui Team

  • I planted asparagus seedlings in a ferny state into large containers in May, ferns died off, now very thin (needle thickness) spears have emerged, should I cut them off or leave them? Thanks.


    • Hi Maxine, leave the spears to go to fern fronds, they will start yellowing and dying down, do not cut them off as this is the food reserves for the asparagus crown. Let your asparagus to go to fern for two seasons before harvesting so that you get a well developed crown. Add mulch to the pot so that the soil stays nice and moist, if you are lucky you will get a spring and autumn crop of asparagus spears.


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