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What is the best fertiliser for bougainvilleas?



Hi Tui, what is the best fertiliser for feeding our bougainvillea please? Thank you.



Hi Josie, I am assuming the bougainvillea is in the garden and not planted in a pot. The best fertiliser is a all purpose such as Tui General Garden Fertiliser at the start of the season. You don't want a fertiliser too high in nitrogen which will push a lot of foliage at the expense of flowering. Once they are flowering, start feeding with a fertiliser higher in potassium to boost flowering - Tui Citrus food or Tui Tomato food would be suitable. You can feed every 6-8 weeks with these fertilisers, continue applying throughout the growing season and water into the soil well. If the plant is in a pot, use a controlled release fertiliser such as Tui Enrich Pots and Containers, apply in spring and again in late summer, early autumn. The Tui Team.

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