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When do I flush my worm farm?



Hi, I am a bit confused about instructions for my worm farm. When do you irrigate it and what do you do with the solution that comes off that. Is that the solution you dilute 1 part to 10. Which would mean you have 5 litres of worm wee every week. Am I right? Thanks.

Lesley Cameron


Hi Lesley, it is important to flush your worm farm to ensure the environment is always kept moist, food scraps are 70-80% water, and once consumed by the worms, water can remain in the bedding and doesn't always wash through. Flush the worm farm once a week from the top working tray with 5 litres of water, this will not harm the worms. Keep the tap open while you do this and let the water drain through, then put your bucket under the tap to collect the worm juice. With a new worm farm it can take 6-8 weeks for the liquid to start collecting in the bottom tray. You will need to flush your worm farm more frequently in summer when it is hot to ensure the worms are kept moist, and less in winter as they are not as active in cooler weather and do not consume as much food. Flushing also removes leachate, which is bacteria from food that has not gone through the worms gut. Leachate is a dark smelly liquid that is discarded, worm juice that has been through the worms gut is a light amber colour. Lianne 

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