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When is the best time to plant leeks?



Hi Tui, my leeks that I grew from seed and planted out at the start of November are sending up a flower. Should I pull them out or leave in the ground and collect the seed? What is the best month to plant leeks in Auckland? Thanks.

Michelle Hunt


Hi Michelle, the reason your leeks have gone to seed could be because of sudden changes in temperature - hot and then cold. Another reason is inconsistent watering, or not enough water. Leeks like a soil rich in organic matter, that retains soil moisture, they don't do so well in lighter soils. To help your plants tolerate temperature fluctuations you could regularly apply Tui Organic Seaweed Plant Tonic. Seaweed tonic helps stimulate root growth and helps plants tolerate temperature fluctuations.

The best time to sow seed is September/October for planting in November and December, or sow in January/February for planting in March and April. The plants that have gone to seed will likely be tough, woody and bitter so not pleasant to eat. The plants can be removed and new plants put in the ground now, or leave in the ground and collect the seed for sowing in September. The Tui Team.

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