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When should I prune tamarillo?



Hi, when should I prune tamarillo in Northland? Thanks.



Hi Jan, being in Northland you are likely to be in a frost free situation, after fruiting has finished prune back to the main stem or trunk of the tree. Tamarillo's flower and fruit on current seasons growth so regular trimming is important so that the fruit is closer to the main trunk of the tree rather than out on a limb, where potentially the brittle branches will break under the weight of the fruit and they become unproductive. In frost free areas you can prune until October, in frost prone areas prune from after the last frost until October. Then let the tree flower and fruit and protect from wind. Lianne.

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When should I prune tamarillo? Comments

  • When do I prune tamarillos?

    Harold Robinson

    • Lianne

      Hi Harold, prune tamarillo's in early spring when the risk of frost has passed and fruiting has finished, tamarillo fruit on new seasons growth.

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