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why are my aubergine plants not setting fruit?



Hello, I have 2 aubergine plants aprox 24 cm tall, in full sun. They are flowering but the flowers are dying and dropping off. They don't appear to be "setting". I have fed them and ensured they have plenty of water. The plants look healthy. Thanks.



Hi Catherine, aubergine are pollinated by wind, if the air is too humid and damp, it makes the the pollen heavy and so you get poor pollination. If you water in the evening, then this will create humid conditions around your plants and so the pollen is not getting to the flowers. Water in the early morning so that the area has time to dry out and doesn't stay damp and wet for too long. You could also help by taking a small paint brush and cross pollinating the flowers, or by going around and tapping the flowers to release and disperse pollen. While they don't rely on bees and insects for pollination, it is a good idea to attract them to the garden, they will help. As long as temperatures stay warm, you should be able to get a nice crop before the frosts arrive.

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