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Why does my weeping cherry tree only get a few flowers each year?



Hi Tui, why does my weeping cherry tree only get a few flowers each year?

Dot Wenham


Hi Dot 

Some flowering cherries require a chilling period to initiate flowering and that is why they grow so well in the South Island - they need a good frost. However there are some varieties that are more suited to growing in warmer climates. If you think it might be climate, when you next empty the freezer, place the ice around the base of flowering cherry and see if that helps initiate flowering.

Does it get pruned each season? Trim it back and this may help stimulate new growth and new flower buds. Is there a lot of nitrogen rich organic matter in the soil, such as compost, sheep pellets, chicken or sheep manure? Too much nitrogen gives great leaf growth but not so much flowering. Does the tree get fertiliser? If not, then fertilise with Tui General Fertiliser, which contains potash (potassium) to help with flowering. 

Thanks, Tui Team. 

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