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Why has my fruiting persimmon tree not fruited for the last two seasons?

  Hawkes Bay


Hi, my persimmon tree fruited well for several years but in the last two seasons has produced no fruit at all. I have pruned it in the same way every year, about 6 times. How can I get it fruiting again.



Hi Robert, there could be several reasons for your tree not fruiting. Persimmon are self-fertile and so do not require a pollinator nearby they are pollinated by bees and other insects. If it is raining at the time of flowering, or there are strong winds, pollination will be reduced due to the bees not working in the rain and flowers being blown off the tree. Persimmon prefer mild summers and don't like really hot weather conditions, so if you have had drought conditions, that can affect the tree. Mulch around the tree with organic material such as straw, compost, to protect the roots against extreme weather conditions and to help conserve soil moisture. Feed your tree in early spring and again in late summer, early autumn. A natural organic based fertiliser is best, such as Tui Sheep pellets or Tui Chicken & Sheep pellets, which feed as well as helping to improve the soil. Persimmon fruit on current seasons and one year old growth, alternate with a light prune one season and a harder prune the next to ensure you have fruiting wood on your tree. Lianne, Tui Team.

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Why has my fruiting persimmon tree not fruited for the last two seasons? Comments

  • No fruit for 2 yrs.


    • Lianne

      Hi Murray, persimmon do not bear fruit until trees are at least five years old so this could be the reason your tree hasn't yet fruited. Other reasons could be wet weather or a late frost at the time of flowering. Persimmon prefer mild summers so intense heat or drought conditions could affect fruit yield. Trees fruit on new seasons and one year old wood towards the end of the branch, if the trees are being pruned hard at the end of each season this could be removing the flowering and fruiting wood. Persimmon prefer a natural organic based fertiliser such as sheep pellets, chicken and sheep pellets, blood and bone or Tui Seaweed & Fish liquid fertiliser, feed in spring and again in late summer, early autumn.

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